Thursday, October 13, 2011

Missed having contrasting seasons

Autumn: Picture taken at one of the park in London, brownish leaves fall from branches and squirrels were everywhere on the trees,
or even trying to get some food on the ground. Some people would say it's a sad season where leaves drop but I'm kinda loving it,
as it gives a different colour to the view instead of just green ever.

Winter: on the Canal, Brindley place. It's so freaking freeze that the water had actually turned into solid form,
and you can see I'm standing on the ice on that particular Christmas day 25th, December. That's cool~
People stared at us as if we were mad,
and later on, more people got on to the canal and I could see "Amazaing" written on their face!

Spring: Five-Ways Underground, where I used to pass by everday on the way to Conservatoire,
lovely tulips bloom ( no, they're planted) but they could only last for just weeks though!Such a short spring!
Such beautiful things would never last longer, never!
Can't get enough to enjoy the beauty of flowers during Spring!

Summer: Worcester, it's a lovely day when you can wear T'shirt and short pants . Typical Malaysian still wouldn't like to sit under the sun but I'd totally glad there's sun for us, especially having very low temperature for a long time during winter. Sunny day like this would not always happen even though it's summer, as it often rains. and tell you what, I'd actually enjoyed getting burned but feel bad after realizing I've got tanned than ever.

Best pictures on my top 10 list
Have a guess:
what season are these pictures taken?

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